艺术品展示 / 油画
《病孩》(The Sick Child)


《病孩(The Sick Child)》
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Det syke barn
画 家:
爱德华·蒙克(Edvard Munch)
1885-1886 年
120 × 118.5 cm
挪威国家艺术、建筑和设计博物馆(The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway)

       Edvard Munch used a simple composition for this sickbed scene, placing the main image in the centre and to the fore of the pictorial space. The sparseness of the details serves to highlight certain prominent elements, such as the girl’s head against the white pillow, the woman’s bent neck, and the point of contact between the two. Hailed as Edvard Munch’s breakthrough work, The Sick Child evinces his turn toward a more personal, expressive, and emotionally charged form of art. The painting is often seen in connection with Munch’s loss of his one-year-older sister Sophie, who died of tuberculosis in 1877. Dying children were moreover a common subject among the artists of the period.

       The picture’s style sets it apart from the more naturally lit, true-to-life realism favoured by Munch’s contemporaries. Thick layers of paint alternate with thin, trickling stripes, pastose brushstrokes with scratches and abrasions. The work was created over a long span of time. The picture’s physical surface draws attention to itself; it is as though Munch stopped working right in the middle of the creative process. It was with this painting that Munch revealed himself to be the master of the “unfinished” work of art.

       The Sick Child was first shown at the Autumn Exhibition in 1886, under the title Study, and with its unconventional form the painting was met with both outrage and acclaim. It became a “scandalous success”, and has ever since remained one of Munch’s best known and most discussed works. Munch would later paint five further versions of this scene, one of which Olaf Schou donated to the National Gallery in 1909. In 1931 this later version was exchanged for Munch’s original version from 1885–86.




      在整个童年时代,蒙克自己也经常生病、发烧。到了10岁多,他见他最亲密的朋友和玩伴时,姐姐苏菲总是窝在沙发里,盖一袭毛毯、压着枕头。1877年,她15岁他14岁时,苏菲终于抵抗不了这神秘的肺结核了。苏菲病逝后,丧姐的伤痛在蒙克的心中留下深刻的烙印:只要有可能,他终究要把自己的这一体验转化到艺术中去。这结果就是蒙克在1886年完成的画作,影响深远的《病孩》(The Sick Child),当时他还只有23岁。同样的画,蒙克先后创作出四个版本,1886、1896、1907、1925年,大约每隔10年一幅,直至60多岁,此外还有多幅习作。苏菲之死有如一部大歌剧中的主旋律,贯串蒙克整整一生。





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@维基百科:The Sick Child (Norwegian: Det syke barn) is the title given to six paintings and a number of lithographs, drypoints and etchings completed by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863–1944), between 1885 and 1926. All record a moment before the death of his older sister Johanne Sophie (1862–1877) from tuberculosis at 14. Munch returned to this deeply traumatic event again and again in his art, over six completed oil paintings and many studies in various media, over a period of more than 40 years. In the works, Sophie is typically shown on her deathbed accompanied by a dark-haired, grieving woman assumed to be her aunt Karen; the studies often show her in a cropped head shot. In all the painted versions Sophie is sitting in a chair, obviously suffering from pain, propped by a large white pillow, looking towards an ominous curtain likely intended as a symbol of death. She is shown with a haunted expression, clutching hands with a grief-stricken older woman who seems to want to comfort her but whose head is bowed as if she cannot bear to look the younger girl in the eye.